
Showing posts from January, 2018
Today in class we took a quiz I got an 89 . The reason is that mixed the two seas the Ionian is actually    Nere the bottom of Greece instead of near the top. We also talked about how the Greeks starters the first democracy. It was as near as close as a true democracy but it was progress. Only land owning free men born in Athens could vote this. This may seem like a small number only being about1/5 of the population but it was better than a king.
Today in class we talked about the different rulers and there laws.
In class today we talked about the odessy. The odessy was written by a person named homer most likely however there is a question as to weather or not this is true. Some people believe that many people worked on the odessy. They believe that homer is a myth created to make the odessy more interesting. We also listened to the odessy to learn how it would have been read.
Today in class we looked over the world leaders slides. The country's we talked about were China, Mexico, Russia, Germany and India.  we were not able to get more leaders in because the day had been shortened due to a snow delay.
Today in clas we reviewed  about what makes a country a good country. Like transportation, government, police power and health care. We were also assigned a project to write 15 country's leader and the government systems. In addittion to having a map of the country this is to prepare us for a test on this matieral.
Today in class we talked about state, country and nation. These are used to define different parts of a country. State talks about about the land borders and the land mass of the country. Country is the people and culture of the state. The nation is the government of the state.