
Showing posts from March, 2018
Today in class we took more notes this time on Hellenistic culture
Today in class we took notes on Alexander the Great and his empire. Alexander the Great took over all of Greece and Persia.
1 hellenistic: the blend of greek Indian and middle eastern culture.  Alexandria: major city on the nile and was a center of knowledge.  Euclid: was a respected mathematician and created the basics of geometry.  archimedes: was the scientist that estimated the value of pie and explained how the lever works.  colossus of Rhodes: a one hundred foot tall bronze statue. 2 geometry had the biggest achievements as we built on these ideas and use them in many other subjects. 3 when traders came to Alexandria they brought their culture with them. Alexandria learned from them how the lived and their knowledge to mix in with the rest of what they learned. 4 He had made up rules of basic geometry so astronomers used it to estimate the circumference of the earth.
In class today we finished the projects and then read a chapter in the book.
Today in class we did projects. They were on warfare ,food and the Olympics.
Today in class we worked On our projects for the entire class.  I am almost finished getting all the facts and just have to put them all together.
Today in class we took notes on Greece.