
Showing posts from April, 2018
Today in class I took a test.
I was sick.
Today in class we talked about ceaser. He formed a triumvirate and conquered Gaul. He became the governor of Gaul and counsel. He appointed himself dictator and then dictator for life. He was killed by the senate by being stabbed twenty three times. His adopted son Octavian became the ruler.
Today in class we talked about the Roman legion and the three Punic wars. The first war the Romans won against the carthageneans on the sea for control over Sicily. The second war was when Hannibal attacked Rome from land and still lost. The third war was when Rome attacked Carthage and destroyed the entire city.
Toady in class we looked at how the Romans created a new government called a republic. The republic is the mix of aristocracy, democracy and monarchy. We also looked at how the Romans and the is government compared.
Today in class we took more notes on Rome. We talked about the last king he was a tyrant and killed his father in law for the throne.
Today in class we took notes on Rome. The Latina were the first to settle there and built the foundation of Rome. There were myths about how Rome was founded like two children being raised by a wolf then founding rome. Greeks were another group that settled on modern day Italy as they had many colonies. The Romans copied a lot of the Greeks culture.
I took a test that I had to make up.