My five point plan to be successful this school year includes 1) be proactive 2) work hard 3) Study 4) have fun and 5) work hard and try to be more organized. In past school years being organized has been one of the hardest things to deal with. This year I am going to work harder on this and reduce clutter in my workspace and work area. I know that now that I am in High School I am going to have to study more. I never really studied a. lot before but now. in high school the test will be on harder material and I will need to think. about the answers longer. They will probably not be multi choice. or short answers for many of the tests. I want to be awesome this year. I am setting a goal for myself of getting all A's and B's. on report cards and to try to make the honor roll on all four quarters. High school has been a big transition already this year. I am trying to. remember all the things that I need to do and I guess I need to keep working on this. High school is the beginning of my future. It will help me to find what my strengths and weaknesses are as well as what I like to do as well as the things that I may not like as much. I think it is important to have fun but not lose sight of what we are here to do in high school. I need to set myself up to go to a good college and find a great career for myself. I will need to find out what I want to do for a career that will be fun but also make me successful in my future. Life needs. to. be fun but sometimes to get to the fun. stuff we have to work hard.
In class today we talked about a message to Garcia, excellence, and socrates again. Mr shick talked us about what we had learned yesterday. we were able to talk about the main idea however the details were hard to remember or no one wanted to say anything. Mr shick also talked about his teaching style which related to socrates witch was easy to relate to. The style is easy to pick up on as. it is unique their is no right or wrong there is just discussion. We then talked about something other than the lesson and the topic was illegal immigration. The topic of illegal immigration is a very difficult subject to the many factors. The class had many different viewpoints wich was expected. we all had different views and we all talked about why we had those views. I. think this is what mr stick. wanted to. teach us why we are going to learn. like this year.
Dylan, you have some good self-reflection here. Of all the items in your Action Plan, organization is one of the most crucial. That is the one that helps everything else fall into place. I also recommend class participation, which you excelled at in today's class. I'd like to hear more of what is on your mind. I think you've earned a 44/50 for your Action Plan, minus 4 points (10%) for being massively late (I'm sure that won't happen again) giving you 40/50 here.