
Showing posts from October, 2017
today in class we talked about more population stats. we talked about the crude death rate. the crude death rate is the death rate out of every thousand people so it docent matter how large a country is they are going to be. measured in the same way. so if you have a death rate of 500 out of one thousand than country is kinda doing really really bad. another. stat we talked about was the  crude death rate again out of thousand people. kind of self explanatory the amount of people being born for every thousand people. the last thing we talked about was the migration rate so the United States has one of about 2.5 people out of one. thousand coming into the country.
Today we talked about population. The population of the world has gotten far bigger than it had been 12,000 years ago. It took us about 10,000 years to get to 1 billion people. It took us about 123 more years to get to 2 billion then it was 33 years. Then by 7 billion it took us only 12 years. There are currently 7.5 billion people on the planet right now. That number grows by 200,000 a day
Today in class we talked about more of the local and global scales. Local and global scales are important for geographers and for people who use maps. When geographers are deciding on how late of a scale to chose they first have to see what the issue or topic is. If it's a more local issue then the map could be of just a city. If it is more of a larger issue than the map could be as large as the earth. Like if you we trying to pick a map to help show how much carbon dioxide the world is producing than you would pick a map of the whole world. If you wanted to just talk about how many trees are in your hometown then you would pick a map of just your county
Today in class we talked about me shicks dog. Pretty sad story but a ending that was deserving of the dog. The dog aperantly had a few health issues and was pretty much at the end. So for his last day he got to play and eat anything he wanted. He then was taken to the vet and went to sleep and put to rest on the grounds on which had played so he could keep playing.
the scale in witch the world is measured depends on how specific the topic is.  Geography is important for the contemporary world because it can explain human actions on all scales.
today we talked about local and global scale. we talked about how we can think on a local scale but that the best way to change something in the world is to work out a problem locally on a global scale. Our example of a  global problem that can be worked out on a local scale around the world is carbon emission.  we concluded that if more people grew their own food their would be less carbon emission because we would not have to transport it across the country.
Today we got back our pop quiz.  I did pretty good with an 80 I could have done better but it's still a solid b. We then went on and looked up some fun facts
Today in class we talked about time. What do you think about when you hear time you probably think about hours, minutes and seconds. Today however we talked about time zones. Time zones have been around for about 150 years. The scintest who thought up the idea was Fleming. However the same guy also proposed a different way of measuring time 3 years earlier. In which he proposed a central clock for the entire world which is a weird  idea to us.
today we went back into are groups again. we started to sort more regions again using the election maps on the blog. my.  group broke up the country imp several different groups some had just one state like Texas and some had a lot of states like the midwest. we went over the different regions with the other groups. we also summarized with are teacher.
We talked about regions and cultural landscapes today. Cultural landscape is about the phisical area and the way that people make money and the way that they act. It also is about what they where and what they do. Based on these different things you can group places into regions. The different characteristics that were stated above have a big impact on how sertane regions people live.