today in class we talked about more population stats. we talked about the crude death rate. the crude death rate is the death rate out of every thousand people so it docent matter how large a country is they are going to be. measured in the same way. so if you have a death rate of 500 out of one thousand than country is kinda doing really really bad. another. stat we talked about was the crude death rate again out of thousand people. kind of self explanatory the amount of people being born for every thousand people. the last thing we talked about was the migration rate so the United States has one of about 2.5 people out of one. thousand coming into the country.
In class today we talked about a message to Garcia, excellence, and socrates again. Mr shick talked us about what we had learned yesterday. we were able to talk about the main idea however the details were hard to remember or no one wanted to say anything. Mr shick also talked about his teaching style which related to socrates witch was easy to relate to. The style is easy to pick up on as. it is unique their is no right or wrong there is just discussion. We then talked about something other than the lesson and the topic was illegal immigration. The topic of illegal immigration is a very difficult subject to the many factors. The class had many different viewpoints wich was expected. we all had different views and we all talked about why we had those views. I. think this is what mr stick. wanted to. teach us why we are going to learn. like this year.
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