
Showing posts from September, 2017
today we talked about site and situation again.  we talked about examples of them as well so that we could get a better understanding of them. site from what I was told and what was presented to me seems to be the climate and other physical factors which helps group sites tougher and separate them.  situation is nothing like site but is instead about how to get to a unfamiliar place using a familiar place.
  My five point plan to be successful this school year includes 1) be proactive 2) work hard 3) Study 4) have fun and 5) work hard and try to be more organized.  In past school years being organized has been one of the hardest things to deal with.  This year I am going to work harder on this  and reduce clutter in my workspace and work area.  I know that now that I am in High School I am going to have to study more.  I never really studied a. lot before but now. in high school the test will  be on harder material and I will need to think. about the answers longer.  They will probably not be multi choice. or short answers for many of the tests.  I want to be awesome this year.  I am setting a goal for myself of getting all A's and B's. on report cards and to try to make the honor roll on all four quarters.  High school has been a big transition already this year.  I am trying to. remember all the things that I need to  do a...
today we went over our old regions worksheet. It was not very lively topic however we did have a very touchy topic at the end of class. are regions work sheet was about the main  regions of the world what they are called and where they are. The worksheet was a fairly easy one but it was still an important part of the class due to it being basically what we talked about  the entire quarter so far. I believe that mr Shcick is going to sone give us a pop quiz do to the fact that we are revising this paper.
Today in class we talked about regions and places. Every place on earth is both unique and different at the same time. It seems contradicting but it is true the Amazon rain forest and the Sahara desert are very different however their very sunny compared to mammoth cave. Places are more a pinpoint area and a region is a larger expanse of area. Different areas  are grouped in different regions but places are to specific to be large areas of land.
Today we talked about mental maps. Mental maps vary form person to person do to the different experiences different people have. When a person goes to a different country, continent, state, or city they get a different map in their head.  When a person has never gone to a country for example the mental map is blurred and their perspective is most of the time wrong. When a person goes to a country they have never been to their mental map becomes fuller and the perspective becomes their perspective not someone else's perspective from the internet. Also a mental map does not have to be limited to a specific place it can also include routes to and from different places. So going from your house to school to maybe your  friends house is also part of your mental map. If you have been all over Maryland then your mental map in Maryland will be clear and your map of somewhere you have   never been to won't be as clear.
This year I want to redefine myself. I want to a student that is going to get good grades and have fun while doing it. Trying to find this balance is going to be the hardest part of this year. With this being a new school and working to adapt to high school. I however have set a goal to have fun in school while doing good in school.  A message to garcia was helpful with seeing some insight to what is expected of someone in the working field. I think that after I start to get Into a good grove at school then I should try and start adding a little fun into it. I am having some trouble with just trying to get into the grove of high school but I am starting to get it. in short I think not much longer and I will be in the grove. which will make it easier in school which will make  school more fun
today we did what we needed to do as Mr Shick did his grading. I did a assignment as he was grading our test from last week. I would say it was a easy class instead of doing extra work we just did what we needed to do for other classes. I was working on this blog a little as the class went on and then work on my English a little bit. I also thought about lunch which was next and what they would have in the cafeteria. For a class that is supposed to make you think about what is being said in class it was a very easy class. I enjoyed it however and it was Nice having a class to just chill. I liked having a class to work on homework and to be on my laptop in my class. I know that's not going to happen tomorrow because we are going to have to work probably because mr shick is done grading now.
So today blew my mind it was just that fact that the map we are using is completly wrong. There are two main maps the one we talked about was Peters map. The one we use in most schools today make Europe and America look bigger and Africa and South America look smaller. There was a reason the map made them larger because back in 1500 when the map was made was sailing in a straight line to America is easier than a curved line. Peters map doesn't have to do that because its not the twenty first century because we don't sail over the ocean to get other countries anymore to settle there. Even when we do go over the ocean by boat we use Gps.   Massachusetts schools however have decided that its best to move to Peters map and might be the reason why we will changing to Peters map in this country.
In class today we talked about a message to Garcia,  excellence, and socrates again. Mr shick talked us  about what we had learned yesterday. we were able to talk about the  main idea however the details were hard to remember or no one wanted to say anything. Mr shick also talked about his teaching style which related to socrates witch was easy to relate to.  The style is easy to pick up on as.  it is unique their is no right or wrong there is just discussion. We then talked about something other than the lesson and the topic was illegal immigration. The topic of illegal immigration is a very difficult subject to the many factors. The class had many different viewpoints wich was expected. we all had different views and we all talked about why we had those views. I. think this is what mr stick. wanted to. teach us why we are going to learn. like this year.